藤村女子中学・高等学校の英語学習の旅へようこそ – 12 月号
前期は英検合格に必要な基礎力を定着させる事に重点を置いた授業の取り組みを行いました。生徒たちは、地球規模問題・ソーシャルメディア・ボランティア活動など、様々なトピックを学んできました。又スピーキングテストの一環として簡単なディベートを行うことにも挑戦しました。問題解答の構成は、英検の小論文トピックや第 2回英検スピーキングテストの問題に倣って行われました。更に生徒は、学習レベル別の新聞記事に基づいたリーディングを分析して、本文を読まず又理解せずに質問に答える
今学期は学習する語彙数も増やしました。この背景には、語学学習へ相対的に熟練するためには、文法構造に関するある程度の知識は必要となりますが、皆が思っているほどに必要でもないという事実です。しかしながら、言語の幅を豊かにするには、様々な語彙を活用できることが必要となります。そこで誤字脱字のある作品の綴りテストや、意味を知っておくべき単語の選択テスト、英検のエッセイ文章を模した作文を作り続ける宿題など、様々な方法で生徒たちの学力を鍛え上げてきました。今期は英検を受験する生徒の数はそれほど多くありませんでした。2 年生は第 2 回英検試験期間中にアメリカ旅行に行っていたのもその一因でした。冬休み明けの1月には第3回目の英検を受験する人も多いことでしょう。
今学期のスピーキングテストでは、スピーチライティングとプレゼンテーションスキル向上練習に焦点を当てました。生徒たちは、前期に選択した通り、これまでの夢、達成できたことを自慢できる目標、将来の目標についてスピーチを行いました。生徒たちは 3 ~ 5 分間のスピーチとそれに伴うポスター又はパワーポイント作成をするように要求されました。彼らはデザインスキル練習をするだけでなく、スピーチ力を磨き、自分の将来について考えることが出来るようになりました。
今年の最終学期においては、英検リスニングスコア向上を期待し、リスニングスキル向上にさらに重点を置いていきます。クラス内での語彙と短時間読解スキル練習を引き続きおこないます。最後にこれまでのレッスン構造から少し離れて、 CLIL (内容言語統治型学習) テクニックを授業に取り入れます。 CLIL 教育には基礎となる 2 つの主原則があります。言語は学習にもコミュニケーションにも使用され、学習に必要とされる言語を決定する主題にもなります。従って、CLIL レッスンは語学レッスンでも教科レッスンでもありません。それは2つのそれぞれのレッスンの間に存在しています。授業で CLIL テクニックを使用する考えの背後には、生徒が様々なトピックを英語でより深く理解し、そのトピックについて議論するスキル向上、又そのトピックについて議論するために必要な語彙目録と課題とクリティカルシンキングスキルに組み込まれた文化側面への洞察力を養うことです。他言語を使った本当の流暢さを生徒に会得させることは最も困難な事ですが、批判的思考スキルの向上と他言語で自分の考えを明確に表現する能力は最も重要なスキルの 1 つです。
Welcome back to Fujimura’s Journey – December Edition
In the first semester, the students took part in lessons that focused on ensuring that the basic skills needed to pass the Eiken test were established. Students learned a variety of topics, including global issues, social media and volunteer work. They were also tasked with doing a simple debate as their speaking test. The questions and answer structures mimicked that of the Eiken essay topics as well as questions in the 2nd Eiken speaking test. Students were additionally asked to analyze readings based on graded newspaper articles and practice their skimming techniques to answer questions without reading and understanding the text. This technique is useful in test and research situations where understanding the entire text is unnecessary to extrapolate relevant information.
We practiced taking the speaking portion of the Eiken test closer to the test date. The students were divided into the Eiken levels they were takin in the next test and drilled in the various questions. They were also given tips as to how best to answer the questions. This seemed to work well as a vast majority of students who passed the written portion of the exam also passed the spoken portion of the test.
In the second semester, we continued to practice our skimming skills. The students were asked what kinds of lessons they would like to study from a list and lesson units were created based their preferences. Generally speaking, students are more likely to be invested in learning a topic if their have more autonomy of choice. Some of the topics they chose include fashion, health and fitness, mental health and endangered animals.
This semester we also increased the amount of vocabulary they learned. The philosophy behind this is that to become relatively proficient in a language, you require some knowledge of grammatical structures, but not as many as you would think. What makes your language richer, however, is the ability to use a variety of vocabulary. With this in mind, I drilled the students a variety of ways by giving them spelling tests of works that have irregular spellings, multiple choice tests of words they should know the meaning of, and homework activities that asked them to continue creating essays that simulate the structure of an Eiken essay. Not as many students took the Eiken this semester but as the 2nd years went on a trip to the U.S. during the second Eiken exam, that was understandable. Many of them will be taking the 3rd Eiken exam in January after the winter holiday.
The speaking test this semester focused on their speech writing and presentation skills. As the students has selected last term, their speech was about their dreams of the past, a goal they are proud of achieving and their future goals. The students were asked to make a 3-to-5-minute speech and accompanying poster or PowerPoint. They were able to practice their design skills as well as refine their speeches and reflect on their futures.
In the last term of this year, we will be focusing more on their listening skills as their Eiken listening scores could use a boost. We will continue to drill vocabulary and small timed reading skills in class. Lastly, we will be departing slightly from the previous lesson structures and adopting some CLIL (content and language integrated learning) techniques into the class. There are two main principles that underlie CLIL teaching: Language is used to learn as well as to communicate, and it is the subject matter which determines the language needed to learn. A CLIL lesson is, therefore, not a language lesson, nor is it a subject lesson. It exists between the two camps. The idea behind using CLIL techniques in class is that the students will gain a deeper understanding, in English, a variety of topics that will develop the skills to discuss the topic, a working lexicon of the vocabulary needed to discuss the topic, insight into cultural aspects embedded in the topic and critical thinking skills. The development of critical thinking skills and the ability to express oneself clearly in a different language is one of the hardest but most necessary skills to help students attain true fluency in a different language.