英語:“EU lifts post-Fukushima disaster import curbs on Japanese foods”
The European Union agreed on July 13 to remove restrictions on Japanese food imports, imposed after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, with the hope that Japan will ease its controls on EU farm produce.
The EU has required pre-export testing of food products for radioactivity since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami wrecked the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
Since 2021, it has required certificates showing levels of radioactive isotopes in wild mushrooms, some fish species and edible wild plants, such as bamboo shoots, from Fukushima and nine other prefectures.
The European Commission said these restrictions had been fully lifted, while noting Japan continues to monitor for radioactivity and stressing that Japan should publish its findings.
“This move will help drive forward the reconstruction of the devastated areas and is one we appreciate and welcome,” Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told a news conference after an EU-Japan summit.
Copyright The Japan Times, Ltd.
欧州連合(EU)は7月13日、2011年の福島原発事故後から日本産食品に課してきた輸入規制を撤廃することで合意した。日本によるEU の農産物への規制緩和が期待されている。
2011年3月の地震と津波による福島第1原発の事故以来、EU は食品の輸出前放射能検査を義務付けてきた。
岸田文雄首相は日・EU 首脳協議後の記者会見で、「決定は被災地の復興を大きく後押しするものであり、日本政府として高く評価し、歓迎する」と述べた。
Copyright The Japan Times, Ltd.