Waiting to hear the sound of the cicadas
Unable to get a good night’s sleep.
Tossing and turning throughout the night.
More tossing than turning according to my wife.
Nothing but a thin sheet covering my body.
I’m not one for sleeping with fans or air conditioners on.
Waking up to an alarm soaked in sweat.
I remove a sweat dampened pillow from beneath my head.
The heat and humidity are almost too much to bear.
I can hear the rain hitting the windows hard.
The sound intensified by the wind.
Time to get up and take a cold shower for relief.
Continued relief provided by fans and air conditioners.
Not long to go before I leave my home.
I sit dreading the 15 walk to the station.
Getting wet from an equal pouring of relentless rain and sweat.
The umbrella above my head keeping only my hair dry.
I quicken up my step in the hope I get less wet.
Walking fast in rain soaked shoes and socks with water between my toes.
An uncomfortable squelching noise accompanying me on my arduous journey.
My jacket and pants did not benefit from being under an umbrella.
Rain and sweat sodden shoes and clothes drying on your body.
With body heat they will shrink to fit your frame and feet.
Such ruin created over the course of a very wet and humid day.
Heat and humidity levels remain constant like my lack of sleep.
How I long to hear the cicadas announce the arrival of summertime.
A poem by Stephen Austwick.