英語:“Japanese reporter’s letter depicting tension of 1936 coup attempt displayed in museum”
A letter containing a former newspaper reporter’s firsthand accounts of an attempted coup by Japanese military officers in 1936, known in Japan as the “Feb. 26 Incident,” has been unveiled at a local museum here.
In what the curator calls “valuable primary source material,” former Asahi Shimbun daily newspaper reporter Ikichi Ono (1909-1990) vividly describes the events of Feb. 26, 1936. The letter, dated March 2 and addressed to Ono’s father, was donated by a surviving family member to the Takaoka Municipal Museum in Toyama Prefecture.
Originally from the present-day prefectural city of Takaoka, Ono worked at the Asahi Shimbun’s Tokyo headquarters while attending Hosei University. After World War II, he was involved in publishing a regional economic magazine in Takaoka. The letter is eight pages long, containing some 1,500 characters. The envelope bears a red stamp reading “reviewed by the martial law headquarters,” indicating that it had been subjected to military censorship.
The letter begins with Ono’s eyewitness account of the rebel troops’ attack on the Asahi Shimbun building on Feb. 26. It reads, “Heavily armed soldiers stormed into the company, brandishing their guns and kicking all employees out of the building. They completely destroyed some of the movable type used in the printing machines, and rampaged through the now-empty building before calmly conducting a roll call, leaving onlookers utterly speechless.”
The letter continues in chronological order. On events unfolding on Feb. 27, when martial law was declared, and onward, Ono writes, “The entire area surrounding the Imperial Palace was guarded by heavily armed soldiers,” and, “The normally bustling Marunouchi district was completely deserted. The general public had fled into the basements of large buildings.”
He also described the moment when tensions reached their peak: “By 5 a.m., all transportation, telegraphs and telephone services in and out of the city were simultaneously halted. They were about to clash head-on!!”
As the incident gradually subsided, Ono reflected on the role of journalism, writing toward the end of the letter, “Those of us engaged in the newspaper business bear an enormous responsibility, and that responsibility lies ahead of us.”
Ryosuke Nigatake, 49, the Takaoka museum’s chief curator, who analyzed the letter, told the Mainichi Shimbun, “The descriptions in the letter are highly detailed and convey a strong sense of urgency. Unlike secondhand accounts, it contains the writer’s own experiences, making it a valuable resource for future research on the incident.”
The document is available for viewing on the Cultural Affairs Agency website Cultural Heritage Online
日本語:“「物々しい武装で…」 2・26事件の緊迫感、目撃記者の手紙公開”
現高岡市福岡町出身の大野さんは法政大学在学中から朝日新聞東京本社で勤務し、戦後は高岡市で地域経済誌の発行に携わった。手紙は便せん8ページ(約1500字)にわたり、つづられている。封筒には「戒厳司令部 査閲済」の朱印が押してあり、事前に軍部の検閲を受けたことが分かる。