Welcome to Fujimura’s Journey!
The first obstacle in our journey is speaking. Most students can answer questions, and all of them are
adept at presenting, but being able to speak continuously without preparation is a little bit difficult. In
the future, many of these students will study abroad, so it is important to get them to adjust to the
speaking requirements of living in another country.
Every class starts with a warmup conversation. We started off easy with basic topics. For example: What
is your favorite ~? For the first few weeks I started the timer at 30 seconds. The students must not stop
speaking to their partner for 30 seconds. They can tell a story or express their opinion, but it has to be in
English! The very first time, there was so much silence for the last 10 seconds and we all watched the
timer count down together. The students were surprised! But over time, they adjusted to 30 seconds.
So, I changed the time. I added 10 more seconds, then continued doing this. At the end of the term,
many students could speak for 1 minute.
Interviews and conversations require these skills, so we will be continuing these skills in the second
term. We’ll probably be a little rusty after summer break, though!
In the next issue, we’ll continue the review of our journey in the first semester! I look forward to telling
you about it!
。例:あなたの好きな~は何ですか? 最初の数週間、タイマーリミットを 30 秒に設定しまし
た。生徒はパートナーとの会話を 30 秒間止めずに、ストーリーを語ったり、意見を述べたりし
ます。もちろん全て英語で行う必要があります。最初のころは、最後の 10 秒間をもてあまし沈
! しかしながら、時間の経過とともに、彼らは 30 秒間のリミットに順応してきました。なら
になる頃には、多くの生徒が 1 分間話し続けることが出来るようになりました。